Works progressing on water treatment plant to serve Essequibo Coast




Works on the Onderneeming Water Treatment Plant in Region Two are advancing steadily, marking a significant step towards improving water accessibility and quality for residents along the Essequibo Coast. Once completed, the treatment plant is expected to benefit over 4,000 households, serving approximately 20,000 individuals from Taymouth Manor to Supenaam.

On Friday afternoon, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, accompanied by Regional Chairperson, Ms. Vilma DaSilva and the Regional Manager of the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), visited the site to inspect the progress firsthand.

Minister Croal highlighted the critical nature of the project, noting, the Essequibo Coast currently lacks access to treated water. He emphasized that the Onderneeming Treatment Plant is the first of two major investments planned to enhance water infrastructure in the region.

The treatment plant will focus on removing iron content from the water, ensuring cleaner and safer drinking water for residents. Additionally, two new wells are being drilled to bolster the region’s water supply.

The total investment at Onderneeming amounts to just under $2 billion, underscoring the government’s commitment to enhancing quality of life through strategic resource management.

“And when you talk about better quality of life, certainly water plays a role,” said the Minister.

Minister Croal expressed satisfaction with the project’s progress, highlighting its anticipated completion by the last quarter of the year. He also noted that a significant portion of the workforce employed in the project is from the region, providing additional economic benefits locally.

The Onderneeming Treatment Plant is one of seven for which contracts were signed in 2022. The contracts, totaling $8.5 billion were signed under GWI’s Coastal Water Treatment Infrastructure Programme to provide 90% treated water access to the coast by 2025.

Looking ahead, Minister Croal mentioned ongoing evaluations for five additional treatment plants. One of these is earmarked to serve areas on the Essequibo Coast such as Charity and is expected to be undertaken next year.
