Woman found dead in guard hut at Merriman’s Mall

[Photo taken from the News Room]

See full statement from the Guyana Police Force: 

The body of a female called Desiree (only name given) of no fixed place of abode was seen at about 09:00 hrs this morning lying on a mattress in a guard hut located at Merriman’s Mall, between North Road and Church Road on Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown.

Enquires disclosed that the woman occupied the guard hut with Troy Williams, an unemployed male, for the past three years. According to Williams, at about 08:30hrs this morning, he observed Desiree was lying motionless and not breathing.

An ambulance took her to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where she was pronounced dead by a Doctor at about 09:15hrs. No mark of violence was seen on the body, which is at the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home awaiting identification and post-mortem examination.
