Update: Baby may have fallen into pool while mother was in washroom


Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of 14-month-old Deon Lalsa, who reportedly drowned in an inflatable pool at his home at D’Edward Village, West Bank Berbice.

At the time of the incident at around 16:00hrs on Sunday, the baby, his six-year-old brother and their mother were home alone.

Reports are that the mother had gone to the washroom, leaving the two children unattended. During that time, it is suspected that the baby may have gotten out of the house, and went into the yard where the inflatable pool was situated.

Relatives suspect that the baby was attempting to reach for a ball which was in the pool, when he may have fallen in.

The child’s father explained that he was not at home at the time but he understands that his wife only spent about two minutes in the washroom.

Meanwhile, after the discovery was made, Deon was pulled out of the pool, reportedly still breathing but unconscious.

He was rushed to the Fort Wellington Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

