Tyre build-up a major challenge at Haags Bosch Landfill

Some of the tyres at the dumpsite

Officials at the Haags Bosch Landfill are struggling to overcome a major challenge; a buildup of waste tyres at the facility, which is creating a breathing ground for pests like mosquitoes.

During a tour of the facility on Thursday, Landfill Manager Lloyd Stanton explained the biggest challenge they are currently facing is the built of vehicle tyres from since 2011.

Some of the tyres at the dumpsite

Stanton explained that tyres can be recycled, for various uses, and he urged persons to consider this option before dumping the material.

However, he noted that the Haags Bosch Landfill has made moderate improvements in their overall operations including frequent monitoring around the perimeters and improving the ground water testing.

However, he said these improvements were done at a slow rate due to financial constraints.

Haags Bosch Landfill

The Haags Bosch landfill is being operated by Puran Brothers and Cevons Waste Management. It is the largest landfill in Guyana catering for household and commercial refuse to be deposited from Region Four.
