Two GDF officers part of Guyana’s UNSC Team


Two officers from the Guyana Defence Force have assumed key roles as part of the Permanent Mission of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to the United Nations.

Earlier this week, Guyana took up its seat as an elected member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for a two-year term. Major (Maj) Sven Douglas and Captain (Capt) Texine Daw are the two Officers who will serve on the team.

Major Douglas, a graduate of the Standard Officer Course (SOC 40), has to date accumulated 16 years of service to the Force and has completed all the military prerequisites for his rank. He possesses diverse military training, having previously served at the Training Corps and various roles at the 1 Infantry Battalion. He has also functioned as part of the directing staff for the Senior Command and Staff Course, which is designed for Officers being prepared to hold command appointments. His role as an Intelligence Officer also complements his military service.

Major Douglas’s civilian education includes a Master of Business Administration, and he is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Texila America University. He will serve as Defence Attache to the Mission.

Captain Daw (second from left) and Major Douglas ( first from left, back row) are captured in this Mission group photo

Captain Texine Daw enlisted in the Guyana Defence Force in 2009 and is a graduate of the Standard Officer Course (SOC 42). She has also completed all qualifying military training. Her service includes several stints at the Training Corps, the General Personnel Department, and the Legal Services Department.

Capt Daw, also an Attorney-at-Law is the holder of a Master of Laws from the University of East London. She has also worked as an In-Service Trainee at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

She is one of two legal advisors on the mission and will serve as First Secretary.

Both Officers are also graduates of the Caribbean Junior Command and Staff Course, which is conducted by the Jamaica Staff College, Jamaica.

The Chief of Staff, Brigadier Omar Khan and other members of the Force leadership team extend best wishes to both Officers, emphasizing the importance of their roles and encouraging them to continue their duties with diligence.
