‘Trade Unions must change to remain relevant’- PNC/R


…Labour Day Message

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), the leading political party within the incumbent coalition government in its labour day message has asserted that a promised good life for workers can only be achieved if the Trade Unions are united and willing to make the necessary changes to cope with the existing and emerging challenges, so that they can survive and remain relevant.
See full statement below:
The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) joins all Guyanese workers as well as those of our Region and the world at large in celebrating Labour Day. This is usually the occasion when the workers of the world and the organizations which represent them take stock of their situations and conditions and resolve to take strong and determined actions to ensure that their gains are preserved, and that the fight continues for a better future.
On this occasion, the PNCR recognizes the critical role that Trade Unions have played in the political, economic and social development of the country and asserts that such a role can only continue if the Trade Union Movement as a whole remains united and protect the interests of the workers of this country. The Party also admonishes the trade union movement to recognize that the current era demands that Trade Unions must make necessary adjustments to cope with the existing and emerging challenges, so that they can survive and remain relevant.
The PNCR salutes the workers of this nation as we struggle to create a more cohesive and prosperous Guyana where all can achieve the promised good life. The PNCR asserts that such a society can only come about if the Trade Union Movement as a whole is united and protect the interests of the workers of this country. The Party also admonishes the trade union movement to recognize that the current era demands that Trade Unions must make necessary adjustments to cope with the existing and emerging challenges, so that they can survive and remain relevant.
Solidarity forever!


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