Together we can transform Guyana into a world-class, prosperous society – Norton

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton

My fellow Guyanese, permit me on behalf of the Parliamentary Opposition to wish you and your families and friends, including Guyanese in the Diaspora, all the best in the NEW YEAR.

The year 2023 has come and gone. At the dawn of a new year, the occasion presents itself for each of us to dwell on the changes in the quality of life of our families and our country over the last twelve (12) months. You all will agree that life has gotten worse. Let us ask ourselves: are we better off in our homes, our workplaces, our communities, and in our society? Are we happier and more satisfied? Are we more able to cope with the challenges of living in Guyana? Are we more confident and hopeful looking into the future? I am sure most of us would answer NO…

Throughout these national crises in 2023, we, in the Opposition, carried on with the fight, alongside you, the people. We visited and listened to citizens in several communities across the country. We worked to keep you, the citizens, informed.  We fought in the courts to defend our Constitution and the rights and freedoms of citizens. We campaigned in the Parliament to shape the national agenda and to keep the government in check. We demonstrated on the streets for electoral reform, including a new voters list and biometrics. We lobbied international stakeholders. And we presented our ideas for a better Guyana.

We, in the Opposition, believe that Guyana can have one of the world’s highest standards of living. We believe that Guyana can be one of the world’s happiest societies. We believe that Guyana can achieve the goal of zero poverty and zero misery.  We believe that Guyana can be a model of democracy and good governance. However, Guyana could only achieve the ideals, if there is a caring and competent administration. We intend to be that administration…

As the next government, therefore, we are committed to implementing a development strategy that puts people first and at the center. We see this not only as our moral obligation to the people, but also as an economic investment in developing our human resources. We are committed to tackling the ills that sap the Guyanese people’s spirit and vitality, such as discrimination, poverty, crime, unemployment (especially youth unemployment) and the lack of economic security and a livable income. We are single-minded in our ambition to build a new Guyana.

For now, as the Opposition, on our agenda for 2024, we will stay the course in the fight for a fair, just and equitable Guyana. We will build more pressure on the government to implement cost of living relief measures and to ensure fair and equitable allocation of resources to citizens. We will persevere in the defense of our democracy and constitutional order and the rights and liberties of citizens and communities…

We in the Opposition will not relent on these and other fronts. Our people’s livelihood is at stake. The destiny of our country is at stake. We call on all fair-minded Guyanese to join us in our campaign to rescue our dear country.

Together, we can transform Guyana into a world-class and prosperous society. We believe that Guyana can become the envy of the world as the country where citizens have opportunities to realize their aspirations and full potential. That is our vision in the Coalition. That is our pledge. That is in our CONTRACT WITH GUYANA – OUR CONTRACT WITH YOU, THE PEOPLE.

…Let us continue to pray for our nation. A new and better government awaits. Better times are ahead.

All the best for 2024! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
