The Prophet was a model for humanity – Pres. Ali in Youman Nabi message

President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali and First Lady Arya Ali with their two sons, Zayd and Ilan

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Youman Nabi Message from
His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali
President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana 

The Prophet was a model for humanity

On this sacred occasion of Youman Nabi, I extend warm and heartfelt greetings to the entire Guyanese nation. In particular, I wish to offer special greetings to our Muslim brothers and sisters who are today commemorating the birth and life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

Youman Nabi is of special significance to Muslims around the world. It marks the birth of the man whose life, teachings, and example have defined the Islamic faith. It is a time for reflection on the profound legacy of the Holy Prophet, who is revered not only as the final Messenger of Allah but also as a model for humanity. His exemplary character, unshakeable faith, and steadfast dedication to justice and compassion continue to inspire Muslims everywhere, almost 1,400 years after his passing.

While Islam acknowledges the prophets who came before—prophets such as Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses—it is Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) who is regarded by Muslims as the final prophet. Islam professes that it was the Holy Prophet who brought the last and most complete revelation from God, giving definitive shape to Islam and leaving behind a comprehensive guide for righteous living. Through his life and actions, Prophet Muhammad showed how to build a just and compassionate society, encouraging believers to live in harmony, peace, and mutual respect.

As we observe the life of the Holy Prophet today, I urge all believers to reflect on the supreme example he set, the moral values he cherished, and the sound guidance he left behind. The Prophet was a person of justice, charity, humility, and patience. His life serves as a reminder that we should strive to embody these values in our daily lives, seeking to walk in his footsteps by promoting peace, unity, and understanding among all people.

In Guyana, a nation that is home to many faiths, the freedom to worship and to practice one’s faith is enshrined in our Constitution and is one of the pillars of our democracy. We must continue to safeguard this freedom by ensuring that every citizen—regardless of religious orientation—has the right to practice their faith freely and without fear of discrimination or prejudice. It is in this spirit of tolerance and respect that we can build a more harmonious and unified nation.

The Holy Prophet himself championed religious freedom and freedom of conscience. The Holy Quran urges that: “There shall be no compulsion in religion.” This simple yet profound message underscores the importance of respecting the beliefs of others and recognising that faith is a deeply personal matter that cannot be forced upon others.

As we reflect on the life of the Holy Prophet, let us also remember that he consistently called for peace, unity, and the protection of those who are vulnerable. He urged his followers to show kindness in their dealings, to care for the poor, and to be fair and just in their dealings with others. These values resonate deeply with the principles that we hold dear as a nation. They provide a strong foundation for building a more cohesive society.

Today, I call on all our Muslim Brothers and Sisters to not only honor the Holy Prophet by observing his birth but also by embodying the values he espoused. Let us commit to living lives of compassion, integrity, and mutual respect. Let us work together to ensure that our country remains a place where religious diversity is cherished, where differences are respected, and where every individual has the freedom to follow his or her conscience.

As we mark Youman Nabi, I extend my warmest wishes to all Guyanese. May this occasion bring peace, joy, and blessings to all of you, and may the example of the Holy Prophet continue to guide us in our journey toward building a more just and united Guyana.
