Tenders will soon be out for Hope-like canals in Regions 3 & 5

The Hope Canal

With a massive infrastructure plan underway for the agriculture sector, tenders will soon be going out to construct the Hope-like Canals in Regions Three and Five.

These canals will mirror the one built at Hope along the East Coast of Demerara, to minimise flooding in the country, giving farmers a better opportunity to increase their cultivation.

This is according to Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha on Tuesday, as he highlighted the government’s major developmental programmes.

He made the remarks while speaking at the closing ceremony of the drone technology programme, at Grand Coastal Inn Inc, Le Ressouvenir, East Coast Demerara.

Similar canals will be built in Region Six.

Just last month, Minister Mustapha noted that the design of the canal in Region Three was almost completed.

National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) officers were working on the design.

Additionally, preparatory works started in May on the three canals in Region Six.

One canal each will be built at Numbers 51 and 52 areas and Bengal, between the villages of Whim and Letter Kenny.

The studies, surveys, design, procurement, and tendering process for the main flood embankment have all been completed in Region Six.

Minister Mustapha stressed that the agriculture sector remains a viable investment to the country.

As such, it is determined to build out the necessary infrastructures that will aid in the increase of production within the sector.

“The president has made commitments that we will put in a number of mega infrastructures where we will work to enhance the agriculture sector,” Minister Mustapha stressed.

Since taking office in 2020, the government has been working tirelessly to improve the farming standards of farmers, especially when it comes to flooding. [DPI]
