Suspects in boat captain’s death released

Dead: Carl Subratie

The suspects who were being held in connection with the death of boat captain Carl Subratie, whose body was discovered in Marshall Falls, Lower Mazaruni River, earlier this month, have been released from police custody.

INews was told that although the suspects were questioned, no substantial evidence linking them to the incident has been found.

Police are nevertheless continuing their efforts to gather information in a bid to establish a better understanding of the circumstances surrounding Subratie’s death.

Subratie, 61, of Palmer’s Point, Lower Mazaruni River, was reported missing on June 19. According to Sameena Subratie, the man’s daughter, her father had lived alone and worked as a boat captain for the past 27 years, primarily operating in various interior locations.

The family grew concerned on Father’s Day, the day after Subratie left home, when attempts to contact him on his mobile phone were unsuccessful. Despite continuous calls being made until Monday morning, there was no response, prompting Sameena to reach out to her uncles to inform them of the situation.

Subsequently, the boat captain’s brothers visited the location where he had dropped off the passengers and were informed that he had indeed completed the task and had left the area to return home.

Upon the brothers’ return home, they reported the matter to the police. After several days of searching, the body was discovered. It was found face-down in the river and exhibited several bruises and lacerations. It was also indicated that the body was in an advanced state of decomposition.

The body was subsequently taken to the Bartica Regional Hospital, where, after examination, a doctor officially pronounced the man dead. It was later taken to Georgetown where a postmortem examination was conducted, and the cause of death was given as multiple injuries.

Speaking with this publication under the condition of anonymity, a family member expressed concerns regarding the case.

“We knew that this was a murder because his boat was not found, and he was not decomposed like someone who would be in the water for 13 days. Also, we were told by the doctor who did the post-mortem that the multiple injuries on his body look like he was tortured for days…”

“Also, he [the doctor] said that he only died about three to four days before we found his body, which means that nine days before he was found, he was alive and maybe held hostage where he might have been tortured. We know about five persons were arrested, but maybe more could be involved. We are angry about this,” the relative expressed.

