“Son of a Bitch, Strip & Slap” – Speaker appeals for clean Budget deliberations

Opposition and Government Parliamentarians. [iNews' Photo]

By Jomo Paul

Speaker of the National Assembly,  Dr Barton Scotland. [iNews' Photo]
Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr Barton Scotland. [iNews’ Photo]
[www.inewsguyana.com] – As Guyana’s Legislators continue to debate and consider the 2015 Budget presented in the National Assembly, House Speaker Dr Barton Scotland has had to constantly ask the parliamentarians to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner.

iNews has observed that the heckling between the two sides of the House has reached new lows in the past weeks as parliamentarians from the PPP and the APNU+AFC continue to insult each other.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo has alleged that Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira referred to him as a “Son of a bitch” during a heckling session; however it did not stop there as Vice President Khemraj Ramjattan reportedly in an instantaneous response told the Opposition MP, “and you’re his mother.”

Opposition and Government Parliamentarians. [iNews' Photo]
Opposition and Government Parliamentarians. [iNews’ Photo]
During the Budget debates last week, Ramjattan himself hit below the belt when he heckled Dr Bheri Ramsaran, asking him “Bheri why you don’t slap and strip she?” referring to PPP Parliamentarian, Vindya Persaud.

Dr Scotland, throughout the deliberations in the House, has continuously pleaded with parliamentarians to be cordial about the engagements but to no avail.

When approached by iNews, Teixeira said hat she did not recall hurling such remark at the Prime Minister. In fact, she stated that she does not use the word “bitch” since she does not believe women are bitches.

Finance Minister Winston Jordan has also been caught in the heckling spree telling Opposition MP Joseph Hamilton to “shut up” during the budget considerations on Tuesday.



  1. Guyanese I urge you to wake up and think for your selves. Regardless which side of the house you have supported, it is important that you pay keen attention to the proceedings of the present budget and all other events that is likely to have an effect on our lively hood. We should not let the misconducts that are evident in parliament trickled out and have us fighting over who is right and who is wrong. We as citizens should be urging the politicians to conduct themselves better. We need both parties in the house and the voice of the PPP is as important to the deliberation of the budget as the budget itself. Because only the opposition in house can point out the flaws that the common citizen cannot recognize from an exquisitely packaged budget and also suggest to the house what can be done to rectify the flaws. And this the the first duty of all oppositions in any Parliament.

  2. You don’t use the word because you don’t believe that women should be called B*&^%$s; but you used it anyway, to say you don’t use the word? You people are in for a rude awakening, your day of RECKONING is BECKONING! Unfortunately, you’re forgetting that we’re living in the era of Social Media, and your behavior is broadcast worldwide! YOU’RE A DISGRACE TO YOUR COUNTRY!

  3. The world is laughing at us ,we have a bunch of cane cutters in parliament starting with Ramjattan,he has one eye and he is abusing people like he is in the backdam,what a shame ,Guyana has gone to the dogs.

  4. Maharenee is it possible for you to be fair. The Minister did not threaten to slap the young woman or strip her or have her raped by his women. Your people did the good doctor Behri. Try to be fair it may be difficult for you but try.

  5. `All this confusion is the result of having old riggers trying to do business. Very soon the PNC will bankrupt Guyana. Granger will soon depart and leave a bunch of old crooks to rape little Guyana.

  6. It is hoped that the APNU/UFC parliamentary contingent would raise above these cavemen and women and not_ as difficult as it maybe respond or be goaded into this most crude kind of behavior. It does not set well as an example for our future leaders. The people voted for change not more of the same. This behaviour is the whole MO of the ppp in parliament they are not there to participate in nation building or in anything that is redeeming or note worthy. The government should not be goaded into this imbecilic ignorance.

  7. Isn’t there a code of conduct? If there is, then it should be enforced. Parliament sounds and looks like a zoo. Lol. Dumb and DUMBER at their best.

  8. Why is PPP/C in parliament? Are they there to collect their wages? The actions of PNC+AFC in the 10th parliament should should be the prefect example to PPP/C of what’s to come. If PPP/C are champions for the majority Guyanese rights then they should never attend parliament knowing they won’t have a voice. PPP/C parliamentarians should not be in parliament and should not be taking their parliamentary wages if they are with the people. Let the illegally installed rulers cuss out each other in parliament.


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