Single mother, 3 children “homeless, with no clothes” after fire destroys Corentyne home

The house was completely destroyed by the Tuesday morning fire

A female security guard and her three children including a twin are now homeless after a fire destroyed their Bengal, Corentyne, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) home on Tuesday morning.

Fortunately, no one was at home at the time of the blaze.

Jonell Batson, a 43-year-old single mother, had left home to take her 8-year-old twin to school while her teenage daughter had gone to make drop-offs of produce from Batson’s farm to customers.

Fire victim, Jonell Batson

It was while she was a short distance away from home, the security guard said she was alerted that her house was on fire.

When she got there, however, the building was already engulfed in flames.

“So when I come back with my children is bare fire. I can’t save anything; my computer, my daughter printer, her phone, the fridge, my gas stove, microwave – a lot of things; all my clothes, all my children clothes. We lose everything; I don’t have nothing, nothing. Nothing we didn’t get to save. My bike burn-up, my bicycle burn too. All my money; just how I collect my salary and my box hand, everything bun up,” the woman related.

INews was told that the Rose Hall Fire Service responded to the fire call. However, by the time they arrived the two-bedroom building was completely destroyed.

Preliminary investigations by the fire department suggest that the fire was electrical.

According to Batson, she had unplugged all electrical items except the refrigerator which is always plugged in.

The woman and her children spent last night at her son-in-law’s house at Limlair, which is a few villages away.

“The next move is to see if I could get some help to build back something for me and my children because right now I am at my son-in-law place; I don’t have nowhere to go. It is sad, real sad because we are left homeless and with no clothes to wear,” the single mother related.

Persons desirous of making contact with Batson can do so by telephone number 644-1303

