Salesman charged for possession of fake currency

Keno Thompson

Kenio Thomason, a 30-year-old salesman has been charged for the possession of fake currency notes, amounting to $95,000.

He appeared before Magistrate Peter Hugh virtually at the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court where he pleaded not guilty to the charge.

Specifically, he was charged with the offence of possession of forged currency notes committed on public justice; the charge was laid under Section 271 of the Criminal Law (Offences) Act Chapter 8:01.

Thomason was placed on $70,000 bail and the matter was adjourned to November 30.

The salesman, of Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, Berbice, was arrested on Saturday last following a stop and search exercise at Fort Wellington, Berbice.

Police stated that during the stop and search exercise, they intercepted a white motor car bearing registration number PTT 9098, which had overtaken several vehicles on the solid double lines in the view of the ranks.

As a result, the driver, Thomason, was asked to produce his relevant documents but he refused and started to behave disorderly. He was subsequently instructed to park the motor car in the Fort Wellington Police Station compound to which he complied.

Police searched the car in Thomason’s presence and found nothing illegal. However, when they carried out a search on Thomason’s person, they found a quantity of suspected fake Guyana currency ($5000 notes).

Thomason was told of the offence committed. At that time, he reportedly grabbed the forged currency from the hands of one of the ranks and ran to the back of the Fort Wellington Police Station.

Police gave chase and saw Thomason throwing the fake currency into a clump of bushes. The notes were retrieved and amounted to $95,000.



