Rice Farmer on bail for burgling Mother-in-Law’s house

Khemraj Ramcharran
Khemraj Ramcharran
Khemraj Ramcharran

[www.inewsguyana.com] – A rice farmer from Anna Regina, Essequibo Coast was granted bail in the sum of $200,000 today (January 12) by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on two burglary charges.

Khemraj Ramcharran pleaded not guilty to both charges; particulars of one alleged that on January 8, at Cotton Field Village, Essequibo Coast he broke and entered the dwelling house of Lynette Naipaul and stole 11 gold bands, two gold finger rings, four gold chains and pendants as well as six gold earrings together valued $2,500,000.

The other charge stated that on the same day at the same place he stole four gold rings, one gold chain, one flat gold chain, a small gold band and a small pair of gold earrings, together valued $2,922,000 property of Seerojanie Seekumarie.

Police Prosecutor Michael Grant said that Naipaul is the defendant’s mother-in-law. He said around 23:00 hours the night of January 7, Ramcharran visited her house and later left.

Grant told the Court that around 03:00 hours the following morning the woman was awoken by a strange sound in her house.

The Prosecutor said upon checking, she saw her son-in-law jumping into the house through a window. She raised an alarm and the matter was reported to the police.

He said Ramcharran was arrested and he admitted to being in the house but denied stealing. None of the items were recovered, Grant said.

The Prosecutor did not object to Davis’ being granted his pretrial liberty but asked that reporting conditions be attached if bail was granted.

The rice farmer was granted bail on the condition that he reports to the Subordinate Officer in Charge of the Criminal Investigations Division (CID) at the Anna Regina Police Station every Friday at 09:00 hours.

His case was transferred and will be called again on January 20 at the Anna Regina Magistrates’ Court.




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