Pride, dignity instilled in Guyanese through Budget 2024 – Teixeira

Gail Teixeira

Throwing her full support behind budget 2024, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira highlighted the pride and dignity that Guyanese are feeling when seeing Guyana develop at such a rapid pace.

This, she said, is further propelled by the 2024 $1.146 trillion budget, while putting forward factual evidence on Wednesday, as day three of the budget debates got underway in the National Assembly.

The governance minister pointed out that Guyanese are eager for development.

“People want to move forward. They don’t want to be dragged into the uninhabitable cauldron of toxicity. They want to get on with their lives, with a house, land, a car, [and] their kids are able to get a good education,” Minister Teixeira said.

The minister blazed the opposition for what she deemed as being “anti-development,” especially when the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is at the helm of government.

“I have wondered why the APNU+AFC couldn’t imagine our Guyana reaching such heights, and instead adamantly refused to be part of this vision and transformation process. But instead, they would try to undermine this process. Shortsightedly, they don’t want Guyana to be transformed into a developed nation under the PPP/C,” the minister emphasised.

She expressed that Guyanese always feel a sense of pride, dignity, and hope upon hearing the administration’s yearly fiscal plans, noting that the substantial allocations for the health, education, and infrastructural sectors are all aimed at impacting the nation positively.

“The 2024 budget [themed] ‘Staying the Course; Building Prosperity for All’ is visionary, and speaks to a future that brings hope, pride, and dignity for all of us Guyanese.”

In budget 2024, more than $300 million has been budgeted for the continuation of work by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance.

Through this ministry’s allocation, $100 million is budgeted for the advancement of works in the Integrity Commission, an important constitutional body.

The budget debates continue throughout the week, after which, the National Assembly will be dissolved into the Committee of Supply to consider the estimates proposed under each ministry and agency.
