President Ramotar meets with Guyanese in Antigua



A section of the crowd of Guyanese attending a meeting with President Donald  Ramotar
A section of the crowd of Guyanese attending a meeting with President Donald Ramotar

[] – President Donald Ramotar, accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Attorney General Anil Nandlall and Chief Diplomat Elisabeth Harper, met with Guyanese domiciled in Antigua.

President Ramotar and his top officials were in Antigua and Barbuda, to attend the 35th Caricom Heads of Government meeting, from July 1 to July 4.

Held at the Sandals Grande Multi-purpose Center, the event began with President Ramotar updating those in attendance, about the current geo-political situation in Guyana.

He spoke of the current impasse with the political opposition, on transformational projects such as the Amaila Falls Hydro Power project and explained that despite government’s efforts to provide all requested documentation and information on it, the one-seat majority opposition parliamentarians still vetoed funds to make it a reality.Antigua 3

The similar situation with the Anti-Money Laundering bill was also explained by the President who outlined the fact that even despite several interventions from the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF), along with widespread stakeholders’ support, there was no support from opposition politicians.

The need for projects such as the Specialty Hospital, Marriott Hotel, and Cheddi Jagan International Airport Expansion was also explained to the audience, many of whom asked questions related to the afore-mentioned and expressed satisfaction with answers given by the President and his high – level team. Much has changed in Guyana, the President told the appreciative audience, “While we have made great strides, we also have many challenges, but I think that with perseverance, we will overcome them and our intention is to take our country to the next level.”

He reminded those present that when the PPP/C took office, Guyana’s economic situation was dire.

“We were described as a heavily indebted poor country, we are now described as a lower-middle income country and what we are working for is to carry our country to that of a developed country status.”

Also addressing the audience was Minister Rodrigues-Birkett who shared information on issues raised such as the Amaila Falls Project and the quest for other sustainable energy sources, the Guyana to Brazil road and incentives for re-migrants, such as duty free concessions and one-stop access for houselots.

Legal Affairs Minister and Attorney General Anil Nandlall meanwhile was also able to field questions about the creation of a Guyanese law school, noting that the issue was being addressed as part of Caricom’s agenda, as several other Caribbean territories had similar challenges with regards to their law students.




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