Pres. Ali emphasises need to properly shape the next generation 

President Dr Irfaan Ali at the event

President Dr Irfaan Ali said that as Guyana develops, organisations such as alumni associations have an integral role in instilling values and shaping the next generation.

The Head of State made the statement while delivering the feature address last evening at The Bishops High School’s reception for its 3rd Student Conference organised by the New York Tri-State Chapter.

“The shaping of our young minds in creating a balanced human being is something that our country requires, and no better people than you, in the alumni, are capable of helping us to navigate the future by instilling the true values of what makes us Guyanese…”

The President also urged the association to look into and address the “softer issues” that society currently faces and make the interventions systematically.

“Once we have a systemic approach, we will be able to create a solid generation that will uphold the true principles of what makes us Guyanese.”

The conference is being held under the theme, “An Eye on the Future— What’s next”.

