PPP to elect new leadership in May

General Secretary of the PPP/C Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has decided that its highly-anticipated Delegates’ Congress will be held in the first week of May.

PPP General Secretary, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo made the announcement on Thursday at Freedom House. The Party’s Executive Committee would have met last Saturday to finalise a date for the Congress, which was last held in 2016.

Jagdeo also weighed in on his future as General Secretary of the Party, as he disclosed, “It would be presumptuous of me to say I will continue as General Secretary. I’ll decide whether I’ll contest but right now, I am General Secretary until those elections are held.”

At the Delegates’ Congress, the PPP is expected to elect a new 32-member Central Committee.

The PPP administration, led by President Dr Irfaan Ali, returned to office in August 2020 after losing the 2015 elections to the then A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition.

According to the party’s constitution, the Delegates’ Congress is due every three years.

PPP’s last congress was held in December 2016 on the Essequibo Coast in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).

Last year, Jagdeo had explained that the COVID-19 pandemic was one of the contributing factors to the delays in hosting the party’s congress.

The 2016 Delegates’ Congress was a major one for the party, during which there was an in-depth analysis of the results of the 2015 elections. Held under the theme “Strengthen the Party, Defend Democracy, Onward to Victory”, the PPP had said it was one of the largest in terms of the participation of delegates and observers.

