Port Mourant Market robbery: Dead bandit identified as Hampshire Village teen

Port Mourant Market in Region Six

See below for a statement from the Guyana Police Force: 

Police are investigating an alleged Robbery Under Arms, committed on a 31-year-old businessman of Port Mourant, Corentyne Berbice, of a quantity of gold and silver jewelry. The incident occurred on 2024-10-26 about 09:15 hours, at Port Mourant Market, by Parmand Pertab called “Mikey” (deceased), an 18-year-old male of Lot 45 “C” Hampshire Village, Corentyne Berbice, who was armed with a cutlass and one identifiable male armed with a handgun.

Initial investigations revealed that the businessman who operates a jewelery shop inside of Port Mourant Market, went to his shop on 2024-10-26 at about 7:30hrs, where on arrival he opened for business and at about 09:15hrs, they were pounced upon by the bandits while attending to customers.

Pertab, armed with a cutlass in his hand, started to deal several lashes about the body of the businessman’s assistant with the cutlass, causing him to receive injuries.

The other bandit who was armed with a hand gun ran up and told them to lie on the ground, and they both complied. The bandits then looted several cases of jewelry into a blue string bag and made good their escape on foot.

The businessman raised an alarm, and persons in the market confronted the bandits, who discharged three rounds in their direction, hitting one of the persons on his right leg and left thigh.

Pertab, who was armed with a cutlass and had the blue bag with the stolen jewelry, was confronted by several persons in the market who managed to disarm him, take the bag away, and handed it over to the police.

All items stolen by the bandits were recovered and accounted for.

Subsequently, Pertab received several wounds about his body, causing him to fall to the ground.

Mark Lovell who received the gunshot wounds, and Parmand Pertab were rushed to the Port Mourant Public Hospital, where they were both seen and examined by a doctor on duty. Parmanand Pertab succumbed to his injuries while receiving medical treatment.

Mark Lovell was treated for his gunshot wounds and took self discharge.

The body of Parmanand Pertab, ” Mikey,” was examined by the police and it was observed that he had one chop wound to his right hand and two to his upper back.

The body of Parmand Pertab was then escorted to Ramoo Funeral home, awaiting a post mortem examination.
Investigations are continuing
