Pomeroon coconut firm fined for dumping waste in river


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has fined a Pomeroon coconut company $1 million for dumping shells and husks into the tributaries of the Pomeroon River.

Fat Boy Coconut Ventures, which is managed by Alphonso and Sons Enterprise, has reportedly dumped an estimated 15,000 coconut shells into the canals that flow into the Pomeroon River.

The shells and husks are a major contributor to flooding and more so, it poses a hazard to the waterways, since residents rely on the river for their livelihood.

Officers of the EPA had since visited the area and had warned of the consequences if they do not desist from dumping the waste.

This reportedly continued and as such, the sanctions were imposed. The company has agreed to pay the fine within 30 days, which comes to an end on July 31.

The company has now embarked on a new initiative to recycle the coconut shells.
