Pedal cyclist dies after being knocked down by truck

The scene of the accident


After being knocked down by a truck on Monday night along the Den Amstel Public Road, West Coast Demerara (WCD), a pedal cyclist has died.

Dead is Joel Castang, 34, who resided at Hibiscus Scheme, Blankenburg, WCD.

Reports are that at around 20:19hrs, the motor lorry, GTT 4953, was proceeding west along the southern side of the road, when the pedal cyclist rode from south to north, across the said road.

This reportedly caused the truck driver to swerve right in an attempt to avoid a collision, however, the front of the lorry collided with the pedal cyclist.

As a result, the pedal cyclist fell under the motor lorry and was dragged some distance away.

The man was taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Meanwhile, a notice of intended prosecution was served on the truck driver, a 24-year-old man.





