Norton Street motorcyclist injured in 2-vehicle collision at Liliendaal


Thirty-one-year-old Quacy McCalmon of Norton Street, Lodge, Georgetown was admitted as a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital following a two-vehicle collision on Monday evening in the vicinity of the Aquatic Centre, Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown.

The accident involved a motorcar, PAD 7667, driven by Samuel Blackman from Non-Pariel, East Coast Demerara (ECD), and the motorcyclist who was at the time riding, CK 3289.

According to Blackman, he was proceeding along the Railway Embankment, and while in the vicinity of the Aquatic Centre, he made a U-turn and felt an impact on the front of his vehicle. As he looked, he saw a bleeding McCalmon lying on the ground.

Blackman further explained that a minibus arrived shortly after with persons suspected to be relatives of the motorcyclist and a gun was discharged by one of the occupants.

A security guard in the area subsequently told investigators that one of the persons who arrived in the minibus discharged a round in the air as they collected the injured motorcyclist and drove off the scene.

One 9mm spent shell was found at the scene. Meanwhile, McCalmon was admitted to the GPHC receiving medical attention for his injuries while the driver of the motor car was arrested.

Police are trying to ascertain who discharged the firearm at the scene.
