Motorcyclist dies in Windsor Forest crash

Deceased: Stephon Birkett

See full statement from the Guyana Police Force:



Police are investigating a fatal accident which occurred yesterday (Monday) on Windsor Forest public road, West Coast Demerara, and which resulted in the death of a 30-year-old motorcyclist Stephon Birkett.

The accident involved motor car #PDD 3036, driven by a 63-year-old man, and a motorcycle (# On Test) owned and driven by Birkett (now deceased), a resident of Lot 18 Princess Street, Georgetown.

Enquiries disclosed that motorcar #PDD 3036 was stationary on the northern side of Windsor Forest public road facing east when the driver made a sudden ‘U-Turn’ and collided with the motorcycle, which was proceeding east along the northern side of the road at a fast rate.

Birkett was not wearing a safety helmet at the time. As a result of the collision, the motorcyclist fell onto the road surface and received injuries on his body. He was picked up in an unconscious condition by an Ambulance attached to the La Grange Fire Station and conveyed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital, where he was seen and examined by doctors on duty. He was later transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries whilst receiving medical treatment at about 18:20hrs yesterday.

The body of the deceased is at the GPHC’s Mortuary, awaiting a Post-Mortem Examination. The driver of the motor car was taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital, where he was seen and examined by a doctor on duty, treated, and sent away.

The driver was arrested and is in custody, assisting with the investigation.

Editor's Note: The Guyana Police Force has since corrected its statement to state that the deceased is Stephon Birkett and not Leon Smith as was originally reported. "The deceased has been identified as Stephon Birkett by relatives, and not Leon Smith based on documents found on his person at the accident scene" - the Force's communication arm stated. 