Motorcyclist dies in West Berbice accident


See full statement from the Guyana Police Force:

Police are investigating a fatal accident which occurred at about 22:30 hrs last night on the #9 Public Road, West Coast Berbice, which resulted in the death of a 25-year-old motorcyclist.

The accident involved a motor car (#PLL 6437), owned and driven by a 42-year-old of Woodley Park Village, West Coast Berbice; Motor Lorry #GSS 9769, driven by a 46-year-old resident of Line Path, Corriverton, Berbice; and motorcycle #CJ 2618, driven by Ricardo Bipta (now-deceased), a 25-year-old reaident of Lot 16 Bath Settlement village, West Coast Berbice.

Enquiries disclosed that the Lorry was proceeding East along the northern side of the road while the car #PLL 6437 was proceeding in the same direction behind the Lorry. The car was in the process of overtaking the Lorry and ended up on the southern drive lane and into the path of the motor cyclist who was proceeding in the opposite direction (West along the southern side of the road).

The car collided with the motorcyclist. As a result of the collision, the motorcyclist ended up North where a further collision occurred with the lorry.

As a result of the collisions, the motorcyclist received injuries and fell onto the roadway where he was subsequently picked up in an unconscious condition and taken to the Fort Wellington Public Hospital.

There he was seen and examined by Doctor Fraser who pronounced him dead on arrival. The body is at Anthony’s Funeral Home awaiting a post-mortem examination.

Both drivers (lorry and car) were arrested and taken to Fort Wellington Police Station where they were placed into custody, and the vehicles lodge at station.

Breathalyzer tests were conducted on both drivers and the results indicate no trace of alcohol in their system.
