MODEC sponsors Guyana’s 2024 National Robotics Team

The MODEC team (From left) Kipenie Jordan, Communications Analyst, Onicka Jones, Stakeholder, Socio-Economic & Local Content Manager, Country Manager Rafael Fumis, and Livia Alves, Training Coordinator

Representatives from MODEC Guyana Inc. last Friday visited the STEMGuyana Clubhouse to meet with Guyana’s National Robotics Team, a group of fifteen talented youths aged 14 to 18, 6 of whom recently represented Guyana at the First Global Challenge, an international robotics competition held in Athens, Greece.

MODEC, a global leader in floating production solutions such as FPSOs (Floating Production Storage and Offloading units) and TLPs (Tension Leg Platforms) for the offshore oil and gas industry, sponsored STEMGuyana’s National Robotics Team in their participation at the 2024 First Global Challenge. The MODEC team, led by Country Manager Rafael Fumis, included Livia Alves, Training Coordinator; Onicka Jones, Stakeholder, Socio-Economic & Local Content Manager; and Kipenie Jordan, Communications Analyst.

During their visit, MODEC’s representatives engaged the robotics team in discussions about their training, preparation, and participation in the competition. The students explained how they worked closely with their international alliance members, analyzing each other’s robots to divide tasks based on their strengths. For instance, they shared that their robot excelled in carrying and offloading tasks, so they focused on perfecting that function. They also described how they made real-time adjustments to their robot throughout the competition to stay competitive.

Mr. Rafael Fumis, MODEC’s Country Manager, spoke with the team and drew parallels between the robotics work and the tasks performed in the offshore oil and gas industry. “The work you’re doing here is very similar to what we do in our operations,” he said. “On our offshore platforms, we control thousands of valves through CPUs like the one in your robot. We analyze data from various sensors, and those valves react to maintain the process table. The skills you are learning here are directly applicable to the work we do. Additionally, we use robots and drones for inspections and 3D modeling, so what you’re learning will undoubtedly make a difference in your future careers. Well done!”

Alisha Koulen, Operations Manager at STEMGuyana, took the opportunity to brief the MODEC team on the various programs offered by STEMGuyana, including STEM Clubs, Learning Pods, National Competitions, the STEMGuyana Innovation Expo, the Robin the Robot TV Program, the Parent Academy, the Virtual Academy, and the Summer Camps.

Elsie Harry, Board Member and Fundraising Coordinator for STEMGuyana, highlighted the relevance of the students’ STEM education to the growing demands of the oil and gas sector. She recalled that several STEMGuyana alumni had been recruited by companies within the industry. She also suggested that, when MODEC’s FPSO unit arrives in Guyana, it would be an exciting opportunity for the robotics students to visit and witness its operations firsthand.

Mr. Fumis welcomed the idea, as did the students, who were eager for the potential learning experience.

Lakesha McArthur, who served as the robot driver during the First Global Challenge, expressed her heartfelt thanks to MODEC Guyana Inc. for their generous sponsorship and presented the MODEC team with STEMGuyana memorabilia as a token of appreciation.

Team Guyana Robotics 2024’s participation in the Athens Challenge was made possible through the generous support and sponsorship of several key contributors. Special thanks to Minister Frank Anthony, Ms. Malvie Talbot from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the First Global Organization, MODEC, and the parents of our team members. We also extend our gratitude to local restaurants—Starbucks, Big Kahuna, and Saboor—for providing snacks for the team. Finally, we deeply appreciate the dedication of our mentors, who invested countless hours guiding the team through the process of building their robot.
