Man, 20, fatally struck by car along WCB Public Road

Dead Aaron Dookaran

A pedestrian was struck and killed by a motorcar late Sunday night on the West Coast Berbice public road.

The dead man has been identified as Aaron Dookaran, a 20-year-old mason.

Police say the accident occurred at around 23:00h on the #2 Public Road, West Coast Berbice.

Investigations revealed that the pedestrian reportedly ran across the road into the path of motorcar #PAG 8265 and was struck.

Upon being struck by the vehicle, Dookaran was flung into the air and landed on the rear of another motorcar, which was parked on the opposite side of the road.

The injured man was picked up by public-spirited citizens and taken to the Fort Wellington Public Hospital, where he was seen and examined by a doctor on duty, who pronounced him dead on arrival.

Investigations are in progress.
