Linden woman dies 1 day after being assaulted by reputed husband

Bibi Shirah Bhagpattie

Police are investigating an alleged murder committed on Bibi Shirah Bhagpattie, a 53-year-old woman from Block 42 Amelia’s Ward, Linden.

The incident occurred on Wednesday, at about 16:30hrs at the woman’s home. The suspect, a 55-year-old farmer of the same address, is the reputed husband of the victim.

Police said between 20:19hrs and 20:38hrs last night, investigators conducted a video interview with the suspect, during which he admitted to beating the victim on Tuesday.

“Enquiries disclosed that the suspect and victim resided in a one-story wooden house measuring 18×18 feet in a fenced yard. Reports are that the suspect and victim would normally have problems, and the suspect would frequently assault the woman,” police explained in a statement.

On Tuesday afternoon, police explained, the suspect was at home when he and Bibi had a misunderstanding. He claimed she removed $500 from his pants pocket, unaware to him, to buy alcohol. The suspect said he confronted her and enquired about her removing the cash, and a heated argument ensued between them, during which Bibi reportedly “chucked” him to his chest.

The suspect said he became annoyed and dealt Bibi one slap and one cuff towards her face, causing her to receive injuries. The victim then left home and went to her relatives, where she told them what transpired. She later returned to her Amelia’s Ward home.

The following day, the suspect reportedly contacted one of Bibi’s relatives and informed her that the woman “was not moving”. The relative went to the house, where she observed Bibi lying on her back, half-naked, with a towel wrapped around her. The relative immediately alerted other family members in the area, and the matter was reported to the Police.

The woman’s body was examined, and her face was ‘black and blue’ and swollen.

The body was escorted to the Mackenzie Hospital Complex and pronounced dead on arrival by a doctor on duty. A post-mortem examination will be conducted.

Investigations are ongoing.
