Letter: Opportune time for poultry farmers


Dear Editor,

At the onset of the year, we were informed that some $1.5 billion was budgeted for major projects aimed at advancing the nation’s overall food sector in 2024.

The reason is simply that the livestock industry is vital to food security and continuous economic growth in Guyana.

At that time, the Senior Minister in the Office of the President, with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh, disclosed, “We aim to improve our services to the poultry industry through decentralized support facilities and production zones…”

So, it was good to learn that a “Poultry program (was) launched for Uitvlugt residents.”

Details show that “…the initial group (some 50 Uitvlugt residents) will commence poultry production to achieve self-sustainability…they will receive 50-100 broilers or black giant chickens from the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), to increase the country’s poultry production.”

At the launching ceremony, Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha explained, “We will work along with you through the GLDA (Guyana Livestock Development Authority)…so that we can have a group of people producing poultry at a cheaper cost in the community.”
Of course, this is not unprecedented, as it follows what had already taken place in Regions Four, Six and Ten, as well as in the hinterland regions.

I remind Guyanese that poultry as a whole makes for a substantial contribution to food security and nutrition; providing energy, protein, and essential micro-nutrients to humans, with short production cycles and the ability to convert a wide range of agri-food by-products and wastes into meat and eggs edible by humans.

Poultry in fact is the fastest growing agricultural sub-sector, especially in developing countries. The global poultry sector is expected to continue to grow as demand for meat and eggs is driven by growing populations, rising incomes, and urbanisation.

Particularly for smallholders and the poor, both in rural and urban areas, poultry is a major asset, and is key to poverty alleviation, providing income and market participation. In this regard, so many are most fortunate to have this input from the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Government, as it stays true to its commitment to revolutionise agriculture in Guyana.

An incentive is that the poultry sector has been experiencing tremendous growth in recent decades, driven by increasing consumer demand for both eggs and meat. According to a report by Research & Markets, the global poultry market was valued at $378.84 billion as at 2023, reflecting a 7.6% growth from 2022. The poultry market is expected to grow further, up to $487.39 billion in 2027.

Yours truly,
Hargesh B Singh
