Lethem bar, parts of house destroyed by fire


A bar and part of a nearby house at Lethem, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo) were destroyed by fire earlier this evening.

The fire started sometime around 18:00h.

INews understands that the business and house, located at Tabatinga, Lethem, are owned by Taffline Singh.

Singh, who lives with her husband and three children, operates the bar just outside her home.

Based on information reaching this publication, the fire started in the bar where Singh was cooking.

Reports are that the adapter on the gas cylinder was not correctly attached and suddenly blew off, spraying gas into the cooking area of the establishment. This resulted in the massive blaze, which was sparked by the lit stove.

The flames rapidly engulfed the bar and then spread to Singh’s house.

At the time of the inferno, there were patrons in the bar. Luckily, no one was injured in the fire.

This publication was told that quick action by firefighters from the Lethem Fire Station prevented the flames from spreading throughout the house, which is only partially damaged.
