See full Statement issued by the Ministry of Labour
The Ministry of Labour has received reports that a fatal accident occurred at Mohamed’s Wharf, Friendship East Bank Demerara (EBD), on Saturday, June 26th, 2021. The Ministry wishes to advise that an officer from its Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Department has been dispatched to the site of the accident to investigate the circumstances.
Honourable Joseph Hamilton, Minister of Labour continues to emphasize that his Ministry is actively engaged in ensuring that safe work is provided for all workers irrespective of industry and that work-related deaths are unacceptable. He further posited that his Ministry through its inspectorate division is aggressively tackling unsafe workplace conditions as well as unsafe work practices through inspections and audits to reduce the number of accidents that occur in both the formal and informal economies.
The Minister sends his condolences to the bereaved friends and family of the deceased seamen and has affirmed that a thorough investigation will be conducted to provide answers to the many questions that linger.