Jagdeo defends Rohee’s ‘middle finger’ incident

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee after voting.

By Tracey Khan – Drakes

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo at his po
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo at his polling station. [iNews’ photo]
[www.inewsguyana.com]- Former President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo cast his ballot at the St John’s College on Monday, after which he took the opportunity to clear the air on a photograph that has gone viral with General Secretary (GS) of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) holding up his ink stained middle finger to photographers.

The photograph has stirred much debate and controversy on social media with many criticizing Rohee’s actions, describing it disrespectful.
However, according to Jagdeo, the Party’s GS damaged his index fingernail, thus why he used his middle finger.

“So the entire nail was black and blue so they would not allow him to put the ink on that finger so he had to put it on the middle finger, so it’s not a sign of disrespect,” Jagdeo told reporters.

Meanwhile, responding to reports that chaos erupted at the GECOM polling station at Turning Point Snackette in Tucville, Georgetown earlier today, the former President said he was puzzled as to why anyone would even attempt such a move.

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee after voting.
General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee after voting.

This situation caused some amount of unrest after residents caught one of the men and dealt him several blows to the body before police took him away. His alleged accomplice managed to escape.

Overall, Jagdeo says he is satisfied at the way in which the voting process is progressing so far in the day.

“With the exception of a few polling places, let us hope that it remains that way for the rest of the day at this point in time, I gather that there are some problems at Belladrum too and I think GECOM has been notified but let us await the end of the day to see will happen.”



  1. no one deserves a second chance to demonstrate arrogance and incompetence…..

    affording them a second chance to rape the national treasury and loot the gold and timber is unpatriotic.

  2. Total disrespect. That’s is why a lot of people are loosing their faith in the PPPC, too many assholes in the party….get a hold of your selves. You people want respect and you the people of the party has none for the people of Guyana.

  3. They say our body language is the expression of our subconscious and in turn subconscious is an immediate response of our emotions which are governed by our beliefs,… then y didn’t he just put up his deuces?…

  4. Hard to believe that senor Roheed would openly flaunt his middle finger as a sign of mockery. This is an important election so he would not risk damaging the image of his party at such a crucial point in time.

  5. He is officially the most fatuous person I ever came across. This is disrespectful. I now see where his daughter got her nasty attitude from. GUYANESE PEOPLE DESERVE BETTER

  6. They have no respect but to defend others actions but their own smh god help Guyana our dear land

  7. This is the most lawless and un intelligent party members I have ever com across. hope this is the last of them we have to deal with.

  8. rohee is telling gecom and all international election observers what he thinks of them and democracy. why would bharat jagdeo rush to his defense, can’t the bully defend himself. let rohee shut-up the critics by posting the damage to his index finger. if someone’s index finger is damaged instinctively the bias goes to the thumb but rohee is so used to flipping the bird at people, his middle finger automatically stuck out and into the ink pad / ink pot.

  9. up yours too Mr. Rohee. I Remember a little boy that spend 2 days in Jail for doing that to Mr Jadgeo.

  10. When de lill boy did show Jadgeo that same finger he get police to arrest the boy. Jadgeo did not check if all de other fingers on the lill boy hand was damaged and he was just trying fuh salute de chief-of -staff Jagdeo. lol


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