GPL to roll out 80,000 smart meters over the next three years

The Guyana Power and Light Head Office on Main Street, Georgetown

As citizens continue to complain about poor electricity services being provided, the Guyana Power & Light Inc. has announced a host of measures aimed at reducing voltage irregularities which damages not only its feeder system, but consumers’ appliances as well.

At this morning’s hearing before the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), GPL said over the next three years, it will roll out about 80,000 smart meters which will have radio transmitting capacity to send out data.

GPL’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Technical), Elwyn Marshall told the utility watchdog that the meters fall under the Power Utility Upgrade Programme (PUUP) which is aimed at providing a higher quality of service to consumers.

However, following sustained widespread complaints over the quality of service the power company provides, commissioners queried how the voltage regulation system will be monitored.

The CEO added that the smart meters will allow GPL to better monitor its feeder system, each of which is supposed to have only 4000 costumers.

Other measures GPL announced to improve its service include splitting existing feeders, rehabilitation of its distribution networks and additional power generation plants at Canefield, Anna Regina and Bartica.

The contract for the execution of power upgrade programme was awarded to China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation/China Synergy Electric Engineering Company (CMC/CSEEC).

The local subcontractor is Ramoutar and Sons Contracting.

For some time now, the power company has been plagued with constant power outages and other systemic failures causing consumers to complain bitterly about the poor level of service being provided by the company. (Shemuel Fanfair)



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