Govt now offering 9% salary increase for teachers for 2024


The Education Ministry after its initial proposal of a seven per cent across-the-board increase for teachers is now offering a nine per cent increase for 2024 following a meeting with members of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) on Thursday.

The Government has also proposed an eight per cent increase for 2025 and 2026. This new proposal, however, did not sit well with the teachers’ union which had proposed a 39.5 per cent salary increase for 2024 and an additional 30 per cent for 2025 and 30 per cent for 2026.

Following the meeting, the President of the GTU, Dr. Mark Lyte told sections of the media that the union is not satisfied with the latest offer proposed by the government.

“As it is, the Union feels that the government can do better with the offer that they have presented…” Lyte told the media.

While he did not release specifics about the meeting, the GTU president related that both parties failed to reach an agreement on increases for teachers but they were able to agree on other non-financial issues.

Another meeting is set for next Wednesday where it is expected the Ministry of Education will update the union on its decision on percentage increases.
Back in July, the GTU had rejected the government’s seven per cent proposed across-the-board increase for 2024 and six per cent increase for 2025 and 2026.

Bilateral talks between the ministry and the union on the new 2024-2026 multi-year agreement commenced on July 11 after months of prolonged industrial action. Earlier in the month, the GTU conceded to government’s proposal that salary increases for teachers should be determined under a new agreement from the current year onward.

The GTU had been pushing for a backdated collective bargaining agreement. But government, through the Education Ministry has maintained that it is fully prepared to work on a multi-year agreement from 2024 and not 2019 as being initially demanded by the union. The GTU subsequently recanted and agreed to negotiate from 2022 onwards – a proposal that was also rejected by government.

The Union has also proposed a performance-based incentive of two per cent per annum to be paid to eligible teachers during the period of the multi-year agreement, with effect from January 1, 2024.

This is in addition to an annual health/risk allowance of $25,000, and monthly internet/mobile data allowance of $10,000 to be paid to all teachers.

Moreover, the body is seeking a termly school’s transportation grant of $150,000 in the case of those operating on the coastland and $300,000 for hinterland/riverain schools or alternately a mode of transport (boat, ATV etc.) to offset the cost of teachers travelling to attend meetings, workshops, orientation sessions, or emergencies at school.
