GGDMA calls for unmasking of masterminds behind the recent gold smuggling bust


See full statement from the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association:

The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association extends its congratulations to the Guyana Revenue, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), and the Customs Anti Narcotic Unit (CANU) who were involved in capture of persons arrested in the recent gold smuggling attempt at the CJIA. The GGDMA reiterates it zero tolerance position for those who rob Guyana of required revenue from gold mining.

The Association looks forward to a full and thorough investigation that will bring, not only those currently under arrest, to justice, but one that will unmask the masterminds behind what seems to be a well-planned scheme. The association will be closely monitoring this case and expects that the government agencies will ensure that there is full public disclosure and accountability. The GGDMA calls for a full disclosure of all those involved and stands fully behind the government in exposing these criminals.

The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association is encouraging all miners to sell their gold to the Guyana Gold Board [GGB] or to Licensed Gold Dealers. Miners are also reminded that they should ensure that proper documentation and a periodic statement of their transactions is received from the Licensed Gold Dealer. This statement should be with the gold dealer’s records presented to GGB. This verification is important since it will ensure that your gold is properly accounted for and that your taxes are being correctly paid to the Government.
