GFS extends Emergency Medical Services to Region 6

The 15 EMTs who will operating at the New Amsterdam Fire Station with officials from Region Six and the Guyana Fire Service

The Guyana Fire Service – Emergency Medical Services (EMS) has been extended to Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) – a move that was welcomed by regional stakeholders.

The EMS will be available at the New Amsterdam Fire Station for now but plans are in the works to introduce this service at fire stations in the two other towns across Berbice.

During a commissioning ceremony at the New Amsterdam Fire Station on Friday, special invitees including Mayor of Region Six, Wainwright McIntosh; Medical Director, Dr Zulfikar Bux; Regional Health Officer, Dr Vishalya Sharma; and Dr Langston Hughes of Vanderbilt University, all expressed joy and satisfaction with the momentous occasion.

Mayor McIntosh, during brief remarks, expressed optimism that the EMS will minimize road fatalities and save more lives in the region. He urged every resident to play an active role in preventing accidents and road fatalities.

The Ambulance attached to the GFS – EMS in Region 6

Meanwhile, the Regional Health Officer expressed gratitude towards the historic event, highlighting that New Amsterdam is densely populated and noting that over 100 persons are serviced at the hospitals on a daily basis. She emphasized the importance of the Emergency Medical Services during the golden hour when medical attention is crucial for recovery from accidents and emergencies.
Dr Sharma wished for smooth communication and workflow between the Emergency Medical Services and Healthcare Administration within the region with the aim of improving the lives of every Berbician.

In his feature address, Chief Fire Officer Gregory Wickham said the GFS was pleased to launch the Emergency Medical Services in Region Six, emphasizing the importance of ensuring all citizens have access to ambulance services across the country.

He also announced plans to launch EMS in the Rose Hall area before the end of the year and to subsequently extend the services to Corriverton. He thanked the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Government of Guyana for their support and involvement in making the plan a reality. He encouraged all members of the public in the area to make use of the services available and assured exceptional service from trained Emergency Medical Technicians who are dedicated to saving lives.

One ambulance along with 15 EMTs will be attached to the New Amsterdam Fire Station and can be accessed by calling 912 or 333-2867 & 333-2262.

The Emergency Medical Technicians will deliver services to residents on the East Bank of Berbice as far as Mara, West Canje, and Bolan Turn.

Residents are encouraged to call for medical assistance.
