See below full statement from the Government Analyst- Food and Drug Department (GA-FDD):
The Government Analyst-Food and Drug Department (GA-FDD) seeks to ensure that all Drugs/Pharmaceuticals distributed and/used in both the private and public health care systems are safe, efficacious, of the requisite quality and are distributed in accordance with the Food and Drug Regulation of 1971.
The Department has sought over the years to address the compliance of proprietors and pharmacists in relation to the trade, supply and sale of unregistered, improperly labeled (foreign language), improperly packaged and expired drugs and Pharmaceuticals.
The Government Analyst Food and Drug Department is therefore issuing an advisory to all importers/Distributors, Pharmacies and Patent Shops that all Pharmaceuticals, should be properly sealed in bottles/tubes and packages and must carry a patient information leaflet/package insert translated in English.
The department continues to observe where medications are repackaged in Ziploc bags, Envelopes and Plastic cups displayed in cabinets for sale. This poor storage results in medicines being exposed to unsuitable storage conditions which may lead to deterioration, disintegration and ultimately loss of potency and incorrect expiration dates.
Proprietors are therefore advised to ensure that all Pharmaceuticals are not repackaged in Ziploc bags or envelopes prior to customer’s purchase and collection via prescription; neither should they be kept in storage conditions of between 28 and 32˚C.
Failure to comply with the above mentioned statement will result in enforcement actions by the department. According to Food and Drug Act of 1971 Regulation 21(d): An inspector may at a reasonable time- seize and detain for so long as may be necessary for the purpose of any examination, investigation, trial or inquiry, any article by means of or in relation to which he reasonably believes any provision of this Act has been contravened.
The authority is urging customers to inquire about the storage conditions and presentation of dispensed medicines i.e. Storage Containers, Best before, and Appearance.
For any additional information kindly contact the Food and Drug Department on 222-8859 or 222-8857 or visit www.gafdd.gy for additional information.