First Lady, BIT partner to train 45 women from Region 2 in cosmetology

First Lady Arya Ali with other officials and the participants

Forty-five women from Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) will receive training in cosmetology over the next four months, through a competency-based vocational training for employment programme launched by the Office of the First Lady and the Board of Industrial Training (BIT) on Thursday.

The programme will also provide life skills coaching, and micro-enterprise training, while some of the participants will benefit from small business grants to start their own businesses at the end of the training.

The women benefitting from the training are from the villages of Grant Success, Lower
Pomeroon; Grant Strong Hope, Lower Pomeroon; Charity; Onderneeming Sand Pit; Johanna Cecilia; Lima Sands; Richmond; Sparta; Aurora; Hampton Court; Henrietta; Mainstay; Coffee Grove; Better Success; Bush Lot; Cotton Field; and Reliance.

At a simple ceremony held in the boardroom of the Region Two Regional Democratic Council (RDC), First Lady Mrs Arya Ali congratulated the women for seizing this opportunity which was specifically tailored for them.

She was keen to outline the advantages of this particular area of the services industry,
underscoring its versatility which enables cosmetologists to cater to a diverse clientele, thereby allowing them to maximize their earning potential.

“One of the inherent advantages of cosmetology lies in its recurring nature. Services such as haircuts, facials, manicures, and pedicures necessitate regular upkeep, fostering a loyal customer base that returns for ongoing maintenance. This translates into a stable and predictable revenue stream, ensuring sustained business growth for you,” Mrs Ali explained.

She highlighted too that cosmetology offers unparalleled flexibility for those who may be
employed full-time, or face the constraints of parenthood.

“Even for individuals balancing day jobs or the demands of parenthood, the adaptability of
cosmetology opens avenues for supplemental income without compromising on personal
obligations,” she noted.

Beyond its economic potential, Mrs Ali said that the training serves as a catalyst for social
mobility and equity.

“By specifically targeting women for this training initiative, we aim to dismantle the barriers that impede their progress. Skills training empowers individuals to transcend socioeconomic
constraints, fostering upward mobility and paving the way for a brighter future, not only for
themselves but also for their families,” the First Lady said.

Speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Labour, Ministerial Advisor Gillian Burton-Persaud
stressed the need for women in the region to equip themselves with the skills that there is a growing demand for in Guyana.

“BIT and the First Lady continue to provide these opportunities and we are extremely pleased to see that you have responded positively. This is how you empower yourselves and your families,” she stated.

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Small Business Bureau, Shazim Ibrahim,
engaged the participants on the steps in applying for and securing a small business grant to start their own businesses upon successful completion of the programme.

Also, in attendance at the ceremony were the Regional Chairperson of Region Two, Vilma Da Silva; Mayor of Anna Regina, Devin Mohan; Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of BIT, Mr Richard Maughn; and Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Labour, Mrs Mae Toussaint Jr. Thomas-Meerabux.

Just two weeks ago, 40 women from Regions Seven and Nine benefitted from a maritime training programme through the Office of the First Lady.
