Father chops son-in-law over abuse of daughter

Marvin Lewis

A man is nursing severe chop wounds to his head and face after enduring a brutal attack at the hands of his father-in-law.

Injured is Marvin Lewis of Kurutuku village, Cuyuni River, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni).

Reports are that the incident occurred on Thursday following a dispute between the men about the manner in which the injured man was treating the suspect’s daughter.

Lewis had been allegedly mistreating his wife and on Thursday, the woman sought refuge from her father after she was allegedly subjected to abuse by the victim.

After learning what had been transpiring, the suspect reportedly trailed Lewis after he departed from the central part of the village, paddling in a canoe.

Lewis eventually reached his destination not far from the village and secured his canoe. It was at that point that his father-in-law reportedly launched a brutal attack against him.

Lewis managed to survive the vicious assault, and received medical attention from a healthcare provider in the area. However, due to the serious nature of his wounds, he was transported to a regional hospital.

Following the incident, villagers managed to apprehend the suspect.
