ExxonMobil eyeing gas appraisal drilling at Haimara 3 & 4 wells


Oil giant ExxonMobil’s drill programme for Guyana for this year and beyond, includes plans to further appraise two well sites, in order to gauge the commercial potential for gas in the Haimara gas field off the shores of Guyana.

Back in 2019 and 2023, oil giant ExxonMobil drilled for gas at the Haimara-1 and 2 wells, though with varying degrees of success.

The oil giant is now gearing up for further appraisal drilling, this time at the Haimara 3 and 4 gas wells.

According to the company’s insurance contract, seen by this publication, the two wells are expected to be drilled in the company’s exploratory programme.

Other wells that will be drilled are oil wells Lau Lau-2, Trumpetfish-1, Bluefin-1, Hatchetfish-1 and Redmouth-1.

In the Stabroek Block, some 17 trillion cubic feet of gas have already been found, with the Pluma and Haimara wells being proven gas fields.

The Guyana Government is seeking to develop this gas. One way it is doing this is by the Gas-to-Energy project, which will see the construction of a 300 MW power plant and a Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) plant.

The pipeline and transmission will be completed by this year.

This will see the power plant and NGL facility being operational by next year, when electricity rates could potentially be slashed by 50 per cent.

Last year, the government had put out its draft Gas Monetisation Strategy for public feedback and earlier this year, President Dr. Irfaan Ali had announced that the administration is including the comments it received in the initial strategy.

The monetisation of Guyana’s gas reserves has been described by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo as the next wave of economic opportunity for Guyana.

