The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) has launched its Public Diversity Library, aimed at promoting religious, cultural, and ethnic understanding, respect, and tolerance through literature.

The initiative designates a public library space within the ERC headquarters to raise awareness of the diverse religious, ethnic, and cultural practices in Guyana.

The primary goal is to nurture a more enlightened and educated society, fostering respect and tolerance among individuals, irrespective of their religious or cultural backgrounds.

The ERC believes that providing access to knowledge on various religious and cultural traditions can significantly contribute to the development of a harmonious and inclusive society.

During a simple ribbon-cutting ceremony to declare the library open, the Chairman of the ERC Mr. Shaikh Moeenul Hack said the library embodies the ERC’s unwavering commitment to building a more enlightened and inclusive Guyana.

Recognising the crucial role of knowledge in fostering mutual respect and acceptance, the ERC aims to empower individuals to delve deeper into the diverse faiths and customs that define the Guyanese cultural landscape.

Conveniently located at 66 Peter Rose and Anira Streets, Queenstown (second floor), the Public Diversity Library is open to visitors of all faiths and backgrounds from Mondays-Fridays 9:00am3:00pm.

The library boasts a comprehensive collection of sacred scriptures and texts exploring Guyana’s diverse ethnic and cultural identities.


