The Ministry of Public Works will be adopting a zero-tolerance approach to utility companies damaging its roads to conduct maintenance and other works.
This is according to Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill during a recent interview with the Department of Public Information (DPI).
“You have seen this thing where you build a road and just after you build a road, then GWI comes and cut it to put in a pipe, GTT comes to cut the road to put in wires and it can never, ever be fixed back the way it was.”
He suggested that the utility companies explore the possibility of drilling to execute their works. “If you have to pass things across the road, we have to get the technology to drill under the road to pass the wires.”
The Public Works Ministry has strengthened its road maintenance programme under the PPP/C Administration, with more than 100 contracts awarded.
These works will significantly contribute to the structural integrity of roadways as water-logging on the thoroughfares result in damage.