ECONOME Business Conference & Mixer returns on June 22-23

A scene from a previous ECONOME Business Conference

The highly anticipated ECONOME Business Conference & Mixer III, under the theme “SCALE”, is set to return on June 22-23, 2024 at 5PM at the Guyana Marriott Hotel. This game- changing event aims to empower entrepreneurs and professionals and foster valuable connections within Guyana’s thriving business community. The theme “SCALE” reflects the focus on strategies for growth, scalability, and innovation in today’s dynamic business environment.

This instalment of ECONOME features a stellar lineup of speakers headlined by the Circle of CEOs panel featuring Mr. Komal Samaroo, CEO of Demerara Distillers Limited, Mr. Troy Cadogan, CEO of Ansa McAL Distribution Inc, Ms. Iman Cummings, Chief Marketing Officer of the Corum Restaurant Group Inc. & Ms. Patricia Bacchus, CEO of Caribbean Containers Ltd. The event will also feature the Chief Investment Officer, Dr. Peter Ramsaroop, who will be presenting on the theme “Surfing the Leadership Waves”. Dr. Natasha Gaskin-Peters, Mr. Sydney Armstrong, Dr. Brian Sukhai & Mr. Jewsuan Edmondson will engage in a panel discussion focused on the “Economics of Business Growth.” Additionally, Mr. Clinton Urling, Mr. Samuel Medas and Mr. Ameir Ahmad will deliver key presentations on Day 1.

On the second day, a diverse panel of upcoming entrepreneurs including Mr. Gregory Shaw, Ms. Renee Chester & Dr. Caleb Mc Cloggan will share insights on the theme “Nurturing Growth: Insights from Small Business Innovators”. The Senior Director of Investment at the Guyana Office for Investment, Mr. John Edghill will present on the theme “Exports & Investments for Youth & SMEs”. Following these presentations, a cocktail mixer will be held providing opportunities for attendees to network.

Matthew Gaul, the charismatic host of ECONOME, shares his vision for the conference, saying, “Our goal is to empower entrepreneurs, foster economic growth, and inspire innovation. This conference will be a catalyst for collaboration, providing attendees with the knowledge and resources to thrive in Guyana’s rapidly evolving market.”

The event has also received endorsements from esteemed organizations such as the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Women’s Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Guyana Office for Investment and the Ministry of Tourism, Industry & Commerce.

ECONOME extends gratitude to its valuable sponsors: GTT, GBTI, The Corum Restaurant Group, Sheriff Guyana, Mike’s Pharmacy, Barefoot Wine, German’s Restaurant, AdNation Guyana, ACE Consulting, Keen 360 and many more. These businesses have shared their passion for promoting entrepreneurship and business excellence in Guyana. [Press Release]
