Driver injured after truck suffers tyre blowout, crashes into trench


A truck driver is now injured after the vehicle suffered a tyre blowout, resulting in him crashing into a ditch at Spring Garden, Essequibo Coast, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).

Reports are that the truck was travelling to Supenaam when it suffered the tyre blowout and lost control.

As a result, the truck veered into the lane of oncoming traffic, causing a pickup to swerve into a trench to avoid a collision. The truck also eventually crashed into the trench.

The driver of the pickup said he saw the truck coming into his lane and as such, he instinctively swerved out of the way, but lost control and landed in the trench. He escaped without any injuries.

The truck driver, however, sustained injuries to his head and feet. He was taken to the hospital for treatment.



