Decomposed body of man found in Mahaica home


The decomposed body of a male was discovered at his Mahaica, East Coast Demerara home on Saturday.

Dead is 50-year-old Daneshwar Sawh called “Derrick”, a mechanic of River View, Unity, Mahaica.

Police believe the man died sometime between Thursday, May 9 and Saturday May 11, 2024. Sawh’s decomposing body was found in his bed.

Based on police reports, the deceased was an alcoholic and lived alone. He would do mechanical work around the village.

Sawh was last seen alive at about 10:00hrs on Thursday by Bharrat Bhinauth, whom he was doing mechanical work for. The mechanic had left for his home and did not return to complete the work.

As a result, Bhinauth visited the deceased home the following day, and saw him lying on his bed from through a northern window. He called out to him several times but got no response, and he assumed the mechanic was drunk and went away.

However, at about 09:00hrs on Saturday, Bhinauth returned to Sawh’s home to get him to complete fixing his car and found him lying in the same position on his bed, and he appeared motionless. As a result, a report was made to the police.

The police visited and the scene was photographed and processed by a “Crime Scene’ examiner however due to the decomposed state of the body, it was not possible to determine whether the body bore marks of violence.

Sawh’s body was later escorted to the Memorial Gardens mortuary awaiting post-mortem examination.

Investigations are ongoing.
