Dead woman stuffed in barrel found in Belvedere trench


The battered and partially decomposed body of a so-far unidentified woman that was stuffed in a barrel was this morning found in a trench at Belvedere Squatting Area, Corentyne.

The discovery was made by a resident, Hurindranauth Yudan, after there was a foul smell from the trench. He told INews that the barrel had been in the trench in front of his yard since Friday but he did not think anything of it until this morning when he was having his breakfast and the stench became unbearable.

Upon investigating, Yuhan recalled that the barrel was covered with a piece of cloth. He related that he used a stick to remove the cloth and that is when they observed a human foot hanging outside.

The man then raised an alarm and the police were summoned.

Residents in the area said it is impossible for them to immediately identify the person because the body was stuffed head in.

When police removed the body, which was in an advanced state of decomposition, they found that a bed sheet was found tightly tied around the dead woman’s neck and what appears to be marks of violence were seen to her left eye, stomach, left shoulder, left hand and left leg.

Meanwhile, some residents noted that a couple who live a few houses from where the discovery was made has been missing for three days.

According to neighbours, they would see the male fetching water from a nearby yard and fulling two blue plastic barrels in his yard.

This morning, only one of the two barrels was in the yard.

It is suspected that the barrel in which female body was found, which is also blue, is the missing barrel from the couple’s yard.

The man, this publication was told, reportedly works a nearby Poultry Farm.

The police are investigating

