Dead teenage bandit was left behind by ‘partners in crime’

The dead bandit.
The dead bandit.

[]The teenager who was shot dead earlier Wednesday afternoon after he and two other persons invaded the home of a businessman was left in the cold by his two accomplices.

Speaking with the media after the police wrapped up their investigation at his Paradise, East Coast Demerara home, businessman Eon Evans said that he was awoken to the sound of a noise coming from his back door.

The man said that by the time he got up to investigate what it was, a man was at his bedside with a gun to his head and there were two others in the house.

Evans explained that the men immediately demanded cash from him and his firearm and gesticulating as he explained that he did not have either. The gunmen stripped him of jewelry.

His wife was then tied up and left to be guarded by the now dead bandit in the upper flat of the home while the other two bandits led him downstairs into the shop where his son was.

Evans recalled that one of the men encouraged his partner to shoot him but for some reason that was not done. Once in the shop, the men ransacked the place and took away an undisclosed amount of cash before the fleeing the scene.

The men fled the scene and left the other bandit upstairs guarding the woman. The businessman said that when he went upstairs to check on his wife after the other two bandits left he saw the third one still in the house and asked him what he was still doing there since his friends had already left.

Undertakers remove the body of the dead teeanger. [iNews' Photo]
Undertakers remove the body of the dead teeanger. [iNews’ Photo]
As the teenage bandit made his exit from the house, the businessman rushed into his room for his licensed firearm and shot the fleeing bandit dead.

Investigations are continuing as the hunt has begun for the other two bandits. The men were not masked but one of the men was said to be wearing a cap which was pulled down in his face. The dead bandit is yet to be identified. [Leroy Smith]



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