CSEC top performer Pradesh Dwarka to become a civil engineer to help his father’s company

Pradesh Dwarka

Pradesh Dwarka, one of the country’s top performers at this year’s Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examination, wrote 26 subjects and has secured 23 Grade Ones and 3 Grade Twos.

Dwarka attended the Anna Regina Multilateral School in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).

He has tied with two other CSEC students who also earned 23 Grade Ones.

Speaking with this publication, the young man revealed that watching his former peers from Anna Regina excel at last year’s CSEC examination, encouraged him to tackle 26 subjects at once.

“This is a feeling I’ve been longing for so long ever since I saw those boys doing so well, I thought to myself that I want to become of them and I worked really hard for it. Going into the preparation, I had to study for long hours, sacrificing sleep, I love to play games but I cut off games for the whole year,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Dwarka says he aspires to become a civil engineer, explaining that it will allow him to elevate his father’s contracting business.

“My dad is a contractor and he always needs a civil engineer… I really want to help him because after school, he takes me to all his worksites and I was like ‘Wow! He builds a lot of things’ and in my perspective, I see myself in that field,” Dwarka shared.

