Contract to be awarded this year for seismic survey offshore Guyana

A view from offshore Guyana where oil production and exploration activities are ongoing

The government is aiming to soon complete the evaluation of companies that have expressed an interest in conducting a seismic survey of the oil blocks offshore Guyana and ultimately, have a contract awarded by year-end.

In June 2024, the government had issued a tender for companies interested in conducting this seismic survey and expressions of interest were received from eight companies.

According to the 2024 Mid-Year report, of the eight companies that expressed an interest, seven were asked to submit proposals to the government.

The report states that the evaluation of these seven proposals is expected to be completed in the second half of this year.

It goes further, in saying that the contract is also expected to be awarded by year-end.

At the time of opening the bids, the Ministry of Natural Resources had noted that for a firm to be eligible for the assignment, it must be internationally recognised, with prior experience successfully completing three similar assignments/contracts at least 12 years prior to the application submission deadline.
