Letter: Govt suicide prevention operating at the level of rhetoric
Dear Editor,
While The Caribbean Voice awaits suicide figures for 2017 we must point out that even though such figures may well indicate a decline...
Letter: If PPP’s salary increases were “unconscionable” then the PM should have refused an...
Dear Editor,
“He that bringeth his case first seemeth just until it is carefully examined”, proverbs 18:17. The above proverb is applicable to the press...
Letter: Insinuations that CJRC lease was obtained illegally are appalling
Dear Editor,
The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (CJRC) is appalled, indeed disgusted, by utterances made by leading functionaries of the APNU-AFC administration which insinuated that...
Letter: Constitutional and Rights Commissions must not be subject to direction or control
Dear Editor,
From the inception of the APNU+AFC government, rule of law and good governance in Guyana have been under threat. Every day the actions...
Letter: Leaders have to remember they are there to serve the people
Dear Editor,
Please permit me the space to express some vexing views that may upset some but it has to be said. This is regarding...
Letter: They are either Ministers or students
Dear Editor,
President David Granger is reported on in the State Media as saying “there is nothing corrupt about the granting of scholarships to ministers...
Letter: ‘Crab in a barrel mentality’ now applicable to AFC
Dear Editor,
I find it very disheartening that Mr Khemraj Ramjattan, Leader of the Alliance for Change, who has condemned a third term for Opposition...
LETTER: Parliamentarian frustrated with GTT’s DSL service
Dear Editor,
We wish to bring to the attention of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and ask that urgent action be taken as it relates...
Letter: ‘Peace’ by eviction, ‘Goodwill’ by revocation
Dear Editor,
On February 1, 2014, Mr Eusi Kwayana wrote in a letter titled, “It is now open for us to conclude that the Committee...
Letter: Basil Williams has again misadvised Granger
Dear Editor,
Since May 2015, upon the coming to Office of the Granger administration, they have done a very good job making ordinary people not...