Guyana has second highest teen birth rate in the region – UN Report
By Kurt Campbell
- Guyana's teen pregnancy rate is the second highest in the region according to the 2013 State of the World Population...
Sunday’s Health Tip: The problem with extra long naps
- A nap, a siesta, or as the Chinese call it, a wujiao, is a pleasant break from the day, but the debate...
How To Wire Your Brain For Happiness
- The secret to lasting happiness might be neatly summed up in a cheesy neuroscience joke: "The neurons that fire together, wire together."
Why Do We Kiss?
- Kissing is fun and it feels nice. But -- why do we do it? According to new research, one big reason is...
Project launched to standardise testing for renal marker
- Local medical technologists and laboratories will benefit from a one year training project which has the primary aim of standardising reporting of 'estimated-Glomerular...
Multi – million dollar Jagan Dental Center to advance medical tourism
- The Jagan Dental Center was officially commissioned on Tuesday evening (October 8) and boasts of advancing Guyana’s medical tourism.
With the attendance of...
Medical Technologist launches new testing facility
- Guyanese will soon have access to the services provided by a new medical testing facility in Georgetown called QualiTEST. The brand was...
What sexual satisfaction really means to 6 women
- What does "sexual satisfaction" actually mean?
A study published in the September 2013 issue of The Journal of Sex Research sought to answer that question....
International Heart Foundation to provide free pediatric surgeries
- The Georgetown Public Hospital will be partnering with the International Children Heart Foundation to offer Pediatric cardiac surgery and care.
In addition, the...
Children born to mothers under 30 are more likely to die
- Children born to mothers under 30 are more likely to die than those born to older mums, a report on child deaths in...